ABCs of Artiodactyls

Artiodactyls are even-toed ungulates.Ungulates are hooved animals (and for our porpoises the animals that evolved from them).

Hold up, you say? Ungulates have HOOVES, not TOES. What are you trying to pull? 

Well guess what? They DO have toes! Sometimes their toes are obvious – like a deer hoof, and sometimes the toes are more obvious in their skeletal structure -like a whale

There are a LOT of artiodactyls out there. 270 species on the land alone. That’s so many! There are a lot of subdivisions,suborders, clades, and families within the order and I’ve done my best to represent each of them.

Each image is a watercolor pencil drawing of the species in the file name with a colorful block letter and the name of the animal written out. Select each image to read more about each species!