
Motion to Expand STEAM to STEAMPUNK

What started as a joke is now an earnest proposal to expand STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) to STEAMPUNK (+play, uncertainty, nature, kindness). Video created for my Policy, Advocacy, and Leadership in Education course in August 2021. Transcript: STEM, or science, technology, engineering and math first appeared in the 1990s and was meant to…

5 Ideas for March Mammal Madness Environmental Education Activities

One of my favorite events of the year is almost upon us: March Mammal Madness, lovingly MMM hereafter. MMM is an annual virtual competition that pits different animals against each other in scientifically plausible but hypothetical battles. The competition is designed as a bracketed game, much like the sporting event of similar name, but aims…

On Environmental Education

This paper was written as my final paper for my Understanding Learning course in Fall 2020. The assignment was called “Theoretical Framework” and serves as an in depth description of my educational philosophy. The purpose of education is something I have spent a lot of time thinking about in my career and as I began…

Community Science and Who Tells the Story about Nature

This was written as the final paper for my Environment & Society course Spring 2020 Environmental Ethic I hold an ecocentric environmental ethic. I believe that nature has inherent value, and that all species are a part of nature. As such, I believe that access to natural spaces is the right of all animals, including…


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Some Writings

This is essentially my writing portfolio. It’s a bit scattered in time and subject but it represents some of my favorite of my works over the years. New posts should be coming soon.

For academic writing, view my ORCID profile.

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